Monthly Archives: July 2014

How to scale-up your business

I haven’t posted a blog update in over two weeks, so some of you loyal readers might be wondering what’s happening. The truth is, I’ve been too busy with other projects. Between running my affiliate business, building up my social life in Budapest, and hosting friends from abroad, I haven’t had much time to write. […]

Scale up your business

Budapest by night

Two months of living in Budapest

Today it’s been exactly two months since I arrived in Budapest. After living in Budapest for two months, it seems like a good moment to take stock of what I’ve encountered here so far. Living in the city A lot of my time during the first month had been spent on finding a new apartment. […]


Hunger King

This weekend I was showing a friend around my new home town, Budapest. Right in the city centre we encountered a pretty interesting fast food venture: ‘Hunger King’. At first I thought it was a cheap rip-off of Burger King. It used the same font and colours on its store front, and the logo looked […]

Hunger King Budapest