Monthly Archives: October 2014

Israel for backpackers 2

I’ve returned safely from Israel to Budapest, and I’m catching up on some work as we speak. I actually managed to have a few business meetings during my trip, as some of the companies I work with are based there. It’s always nice to combine business and pleasure. The success of my trip was by […]

Backpacking in Israel

Jewish Sukot festival

The Dutch and the Jews 2

For the past week I’ve been staying in Israel, as a guest of Tal, an Israeli student I met in Budapest. During those days I’ve visited many places in the small Middle Eastern country, and seen its inhabitants under various circumstances: from ultra-orthodox Jews praying in Jerusalem to the secular party crowd in Tel-Aviv; from […]


The most secure country on Earth 2

I’m writing this blog post from an airplane, on my way to Tel Aviv, Israel. I haven’t blogged for a while, the main reasons for which have been lack of time and lack of things to write about. It’s not that my life hasn’t been interesting; it’s just been filled with rather ordinary things like […]

israeli air security screenings