
too much choice cereal

Choice in America

Americans are obsessed with choice. I travelled here three weeks ago to stay with my girlfriend for a couple of months. Since then I’ve had to make an astounding number of choices. The local grocery store has 85 types of breakfast cereal to choose from (though not the type of ‘crunchy muesli’ that I like […]


How Ryanair stole millions from its customers 18

I’m on my way back to Kraków from a two-week trip to the Netherlands. I’m flying there with Ryanair, the well-known Irish discount airline. Over the years I’ve taken many flights with the company, and have developed a love-hate relationship with them. On the one hand their fares are unbeatable (if you book early), and […]

ryanair currency conversion opt-out

Be unique! 3

As I wrote in my last blog post, I’m in the process of scaling-up my business. This involves outsourcing some tasks to others who are better at it than I am, or who can perform them at a lower rate. As it turns out, some tasks are pretty easy to outsource. There are thousands of […]

Be unique for success

Scale up your business

How to scale-up your business

I haven’t posted a blog update in over two weeks, so some of you loyal readers might be wondering what’s happening. The truth is, I’ve been too busy with other projects. Between running my affiliate business, building up my social life in Budapest, and hosting friends from abroad, I haven’t had much time to write. […]


Can I borrow a cup of sugar? 7

This weekend I came across an amazing new initiative: Peerby. It is one in the same category as Airbnb and BlaBlaCar: an online marketplace that connects individuals who have something directly with those who need that something, cutting out the middle man. There is a big difference though: with Peerby there is no money involved. […]

Can I borrow a cup of sugar?

market in hoi an vietnam

Be willing to walk away

In many countries doing business is all about negotiating. If you live in Europe or North-America, you might not be used to haggling over the price of a box of cornflakes (although you can and should haggle if buying clothes at a boutique store or something like expensive camera equipment), but in other parts of […]
