My Southeast Asia trip has come to an end. I’m waiting for my flight at KL International Airport (which I stupidly booked for 03.25 am. in order to save a few bucks). The past months have been fun, interesting, enlightening, tiring, inspiring, and definitely memorable. I met many cool people, saw some amazing places, and made a few friends with whom I might keep in touch.
Tonight I will fly to Abu Dhabi, to spend a week in the United Arab Emirates before I fly back home. Part of me is sad to end my travels, but another part of me is relieved to have some downtime. I’m looking forward to seeing my friends again, to not having to figure out everything anew each few days, to eating amazing Dutch cheese and drinking quality wine, to understanding what’s written on signs, to be able to get some more work done, and to just relax without having to go anywhere.
Two lessons about travelling that I will definitely take with me from this trip:
- I should limit my trips to two months. After that I just get too tired and backed up with work. After a two-month-trip I should stay in one place for at least a month, just to recharge, catch up on work, and not go crazy
- I should travel slower, covering less terrain in more time. Not only would that make travelling more relaxing, but it would allow me to really experience a place and the life there. I took delight in getting a bit more in touch with the local life when I was staying in Ho Chi Minh City or Chiang Mai for a week. This should be the norm rather than the exception
Thank you all for bearing with me during my trip. I had fun writing down my adventures for you. For the next month or so I probably won’t travel anywhere, so my blog will be more focussed on work, general opinion, and other interesting things that come upon my path. I will keep writing, and it will be a pleasure to have you as a reader.